**Build Your Own Website**β¦

Build Your Own Website
Building your own website is very easy and inexpensive . . . even for your own small business. The website can all be built on free and open source website code, all running on a free and stable Linux operating system with free and open source web server software such as Apache 2 or ngenix.
The few times we have done it, the total cost was $300-$500 to get it up and running, complete with professional looking photos.
The biggest cost is the amount of time you will put into creating your website. The second biggest cost is paying for "stock" photos ($200-$300). The third biggest cost is paying hosting fees ($100-ish/year), and the fourth biggest cost is buying a theme ($20-$60).
Make sure you get a good "Responsive" theme for your website so your website will render differently on a phone than it does on a computer.
These are some popular website frameworks:
NOSTR based website framework
(Turn Your NOSTR Posts Into a Website)
Good theme stores:
See comments for π more info.
#BuildYourOwnWebsite #DIYWebsite #Linux #Wordpress #FreedomTech #npubPro #NostrWebsite